LKB - Metrology of simple systems and fundamental tests

Pierre Cladé

Pierre Cladé

Junior Researcher

Metrology of simple system team

Phone : +33-1 44 27 43 88
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Université P. et M. Curie
Tour 12-13, 2ème étage, bureau 218
Case 74, 4 Place Jussieu,
75005 Paris, France

Curriculum vitae


  •  2007- : Junior researcher (chargé de recherche CNRS) at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
  • 2006-2007 : Post-doc at the National Institut of Standards and Technology, in the group of Bill Phillips
  • 2003-2005 : PhD student at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel


Python projects

List of shared python modules.

  •  PyDAQmx : This package alows users to use data acquisition hardware from National Instrument with Python. It makes an interface between the NIDAQmx driver and Python. The package works on Windows and Linux. Compare to similar packages, the PyDAQmx module is a full interface to the NIDAQmx ANSI C driver. It imports all the functions from the driver and also imports all the predefined constants. This provided an almost one to one match between C and Python code. An Object oriented interface is also implemented.
  • PyThorlabsMDT : Module to drive the Thorlabs MDT693A piezo controller.
  • PyCoherentVerdi : Interface to the Verdi laser in Python.
  •  PySpotCam : interface to the SpotCam driver from SPOT Imaging Solutions in Python.
  •  Rigol DG 5000 : Interface to the Rigol DG5000 waveform generator
  • Red Pitaya : Python utilities for Red Pitaya.

Contact Pierre Cladé

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