LKB (Paris)
Hyperpolarised ³He: gas diffusion in aerogels (room T)
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Tastevin G. and Nacher P.-J. NMR measurements of hyperpolarized ³He gas diffusion in high porosity silica aerogels J. Chem. Phys. (2005) 123 : 064506 (13 pp.) DOI : 10.1063/1.1997130 PDF |
23rd Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (LT 23)
Hiroshima, Japan, Aug. 2002
Oral contribution by G. Tastevin View slide selection
- G. Tastevin, P.-J. Nacher, J. Choukeife. “Restricted diffusion of polarised He-3 gas in aerogels”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Elsevier, 2003, 329-333, pp.303-304. ⟨hal-02018539⟩
- G. Guillot, P.-J. Nacher, G. Tastevin. NMR diffusion of hyperpolarised He-3 in aerogel: a systematic pressure study. Magn. Reson. Imag., 2001, 19 (3-4), pp.391–394. ⟨hal-02018521⟩
- G. Tastevin, P.-J. Nacher, G. Guillot. “Probing silica aerogel structure with spin-polarised helium-3 gas”, J. Low Temp. Phys, 2000, 121 (5-6), pp.773-778. ⟨hal-02018524⟩
- G. Tastevin, P. J. Nacher, G. Guillot. “NMR of hyperpolarised He-3 gas in aerogel”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2000, 284-288, pp.291-292. ⟨hal-02018525⟩
Other related work
Hyperpolarised ³He: lung MRI, gas diffusion in lung airspaces
- Safiullin K. et al (2011) ADC studies in phantoms and in preserved lungs using HP ³He MR at low-field, Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy.. 24 Suppl. 1 368.
- Bidinosti C.P. et al (2003) In vivo NMR of hyperpolarized He-3 in the human lung at very low magnetic fields, J. Magn. Reson., 162: 122-132
NMR/MRI methodology (low B)
- Kuzmin V.V. and Nacher P.-J. (2019) Signal feedback applications in low-field NMR and MRI, preprint (2019, 20 pp).
- Kuzmin V.V. et al (2013) Signal feedback applications in MRI, Magn. Reson. Mater. Phy. 26 (Suppl. 1): 33-34.
- Safiullin K. et al (2013) Achieving high spatial resolution and high SNR in low-field MRI of hyperpolarised gases with Slow Low Angle SHot, J. Magn. Reson. 227:72-8 6
- Baudin E. et al (2011) An active feedback scheme for low field NMR experiments, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 294:012009
Hyperpolarised ³He: production and use
Gentile T.R. et al (2017) Optically polarized ³He, Rev. Mod. Phys. 89: 045004 (review paper, 67 pp.)
Hyperpolarised ³He: nonlinear NMR dynamics in magnetised liquids
- Morgan al (2013) Multiple dipolar echoes in hyperpolarized noble gas solutions, Eur. Phys. J. D 67:29 (10 pp.)
- Baudin E. et al (2008) NMR time reversal experiments in highly polarised liquid He-3-He-4 mixtures, J. Low Temp. Phys., 150:168.
- Bidinosti C.P. et al (2004) MRI of the lung using hyperpolarized He-3 at very low magnetic field (3 mT), Magn. Res. Mater. Phys. Biol. Med., 16: 255-258
ANR-funded work
- IMAGINE project (2013–2016) – ANR-12-IS04-0006 – PCRI: France/Austria – NMR Investigation of MAGnetization-Induced Non-linear Effects (LKB scientific leader: P.-J. Nacher)
- DIPOL project (2007– 2011) – ANR-07-BLAN-0153 – PCR –- Non-linear NMR in polarised liquids (Coord. P.-J. Nacher, LKB).
MRS Lab (Kazan)
³He NMR: gas diffusion in ordered aerogels (low T)
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Kuzmin V., Safiullin K., Stanislavovas A., Tagirov M. Helium-3 gas self-diffusion in a nematically ordered aerogel at low temperatures: enhanced role of adsorption Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2017) 19:23146 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP03949B |
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2016) Anomalous nuclear spin–lattice relaxation of ³Не in contact with ordered Al2O3 aerogel, JETP Letters. 104: 315, DOI: 10.1134/S0021364016170033
- Klochkov A.V. (2008) Nuclear magnetic relaxation of ³He in contact with an aerogel above the Fermi temperature, JETP Letters 88:823, DOI: 10.1134/S0021364008240107
Review article
Klochkov A.V. and Tagirov M.S. (2015) Magnetic resonance of ³He nuclei in porous media, Low Temperature Physics 41(1):50-57, DOI: 10.1063/1.4906336, Original article: Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 41, 65-74
A summary of spin kinetics data of ³He in porous media, at temperatures above the Fermi degeneracy of this quantum liquid. The presented results were obtained at Kazan Federal University during the past ten years, and are the foundation for developing the method of helium porosimetry. We propose methodological guidelines for investigating samples with unknown pore sizes and surface properties.
Other related work
³He NMR: probing nanodiamonds
- Kuzmin V.V. et al (2018) Angstrom-scale probing of paramagnetic centers location in nanodiamonds by ³He NMR at low temperatures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20:1476
- Kuzmin V.V. et al (2018) Reply to ‘Comment on “Angstrom-scale probing of paramagnetic centers location in nanodiamonds by ³He NMR at low temperatures’ by A. Shames, V. Osipov and A. Panich, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20.”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 27697 (2018)
³He NMR: probing DyF3 and PrF3 nanoparticles
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2018) Spin kinetics of liquid 3He in contact with a DyF3 micropowder at ferromagnetic ordering of Dy3+ ions, JETP Letters, 107: 111
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2018) The self-assembly of DyF3 nanoparticles synthesized by chloride-based route, J. Nanopar. Res. 20: 332
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2015) Comments on the cross-relaxation effect between adsorbed 3He and PrF3 nanoparticles, Low Temp. Phys. 41: 47
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2014) Annealing of PrF3 nanoparticles by microwave irradiation, Optics and Spectroscopy 116: 721
- Alakshin E.M. et al (2013) Size effect in the (PrF3 nanoparticles-3He) system, JETP Letters 97:579
³He NMR: other materials
- Bunkov Y.M. rt al (2012) High-Tc spin superfluidity in antiferromagnets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108:177002
- Gazizulin R.R. et al (2010) NMR of Liquid ³He in Pores of a Clay Sample, Appl. Mag. Res. 38: 271
- Egorov A.V. et al (2007) Observation of magnetic coupling between the nuclei of liquid ³He and the 141Pr nuclei of PrF3 crystalline powder, JETP Letters 86:416
- Egorov A.V. et al (1984) Observation of a direct magnetic coupling between the nuclei in liquid ³He and 169Tm nuclei in a thulium ethyl sulfate crystal, JETP Letters 39:584