CNRS researcher, CRHC – Permanent full-time research position
PhD in Quantum Physics, 1987 Short curriculum vitae
My scientific CV on HAL provides links to most of the open access material.
Location: @ ENS Physics Department
Research topics
Lab. topics: @ Atoms and light in dense or complex media @ Frontiers and applications
Research team: @ Polarised helium and quantum fluids
Research interests
- Spin polarised ³He
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at low field; MR imaging; non linear liquid NMR dynamics.
- Hyperpolarisation of noble gases: laser optical pumping; discharge polarisation; polarised gas management.
- Quantum fluids
Last publications
BDINOSTI C.P., TASTEVIN G., and NACHER P.-J., J. Magn. reson. 345:107306 (2022), ” Generating accurate tip angles outside the rotating-wave approximation”. <arXiv:2209.03754> hal-03765938
TASTEVIN G. and LALOË F., Comptes-Redus Acad. Sci. France 22, 99 (2021)
“The outcomes of measurements in the de Broglie-Bohm theory.” Open access. <arXiv:2102.02519> hal-03343510
DIA A., ABBOUD M., NACHER P.-J., and TASTEVIN G., Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 223 (2021)
“Doppler-free spectroscopy of the lowest triplet states of helium using double optical resonance.” <hal-03295023>
NACHER P.-J., KUMARAGAMAGE S., TASTEVIN G., BIDINOSTI C.P., J. Magn. Reson. 310, 106638 (2020)
“A fast MOSFET RF switch for low-field NMR and MRI.” <hal-02266979>
TASTEVIN G. and LALOË F., Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 183 (2018)
“Surrealistic Bohmian trajectories do not occur with macroscopic pointers.” <hal-01913349>
MAUL A., BLÜMLER P., NACHER P.-J., OTTEN E., TASTEVIN G., and HEIL W., Phys. Rev. A 98, 063405 (2018)
“Nuclear hyperpolarization of ³He by magnetized plasmas.” <hal-01971945>
Postal address: Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
☎ +33-1-44 32 20 25 Fax: +33-1-44 32 34 34
- Publications and presentations
- Patents
- National projects
- International projects
- Teaching
- Spread of information
- Refereeing
- Organising
List of publications and presentationsLast updated: Jan. 2019
View all scientific publications (list with titles and abstracts, as well as links to original articles and to open access copies)
1. Blümler P., Heil W., Karpuk S., Nacher P.-J., Nikiel-Osuchowska A., Otten E.W., Tastevin G., and Terekhov M., 2014
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Messung und Regelung von Magnetfeldern mit höchster Genauigkeit anhand der freien Präzessionsfrequenz von hyperpolarisierten Kernspins, German patent n° 10 2014 107 365.7
2. Nacher P.-J. , Tastevin G;, Darrasse L. Guillot G., 1997
Procédé et équipement pour la préparation d’un gaz d’hélium-3 hyperpolarisé à forte pression, application dudit procédé; French patent n° 97/11553 with international extensions [Method and equipment for preparing a high pressure hyperpolarized helium gas, use of said method]
3. Nacher P.-J. et Tastevin G., 1996
Installation et procédé pour la production d’hélium-3 polarisé en phase vapeur, en particulier pour l’imagerie RMN; French patent n° 96/01973 with international extensions [Apparatus and method for producing polarised vapour-phase helium-3, particularly for NMR imaging]
- ANR research project (AAPG, 2021-2025, ANR-20-CE30-0021)
HELPING, “High field Enhancement of nucLear Polarisation In Noble Gases”
Partnership: LKB (UMR 8552, ENS-PSL Univ. / CNRS / Sorbonne Univ. / Coll. de France), NIMBE (UMR 3685, CNRS / CEA)
– Coordinator
- DIM grant (CNRS, DEFI Instrumentation aux limites, 2018)
HyperMRI, “Hyperpolarisation « Brute force » multinoyaux pour l’IRM métabolique ciblée”
Partnership: IR4M (UMR 8081, CNRS / Univ. Paris Sud), LKB (UMR 8552, ENS-PSL Univ. / CNRS / Sorbonne Univ. / Coll. de France), NIMBE (UMR 3685, CNRS / CEA)
– Scientific partner
- DIM grant (DIM Analytics, Ile de France; financement mi-lourd 2015)
WideNMR, “Achat d’un spectromètre RMN à très large cavité pour l’exploration de concepts et applications innovants en RMN « non conventionnelle »”.
Partnership: LSDRM (Lab. Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique; dir. P. Berthault, project coord.; CEA/DRF/NIMBE/IRAMIS/LSDRM, UMR 3685), LKB, Laboratoire Navier (UMR 8205, Université Paris Est/IFSTTAR‐ENPC‐CNRS, dir. K. Sab)
– Scientific partner
- ANR research project (ANR Blanc, 2007-2011)
DIPOL, “RMN non linéaire dans les liquides polarisés”
Partnership: LKB (Coord.: P.-J. Nacher ), CEA/DRF/NIMBE/IRAMIS (CEA Saclay, H. Desvaux)- Funding: 400 k€
– Scientific partner
- PIM research grant, Programme imagerie médicale –3ème phase
“Étude de la fonction ventilatoire du poumon par IRM de l’hélium 3 hyperpolarisé”
Partnership: U2R2M & CIERM – Université Paris XI – Orsay (CNRS ESA 8081), LKB (ENS / CNRS – URA 18)
– Scientific partner
- ACI research grant,”Télémédecine et Technologies pour la Santé”, MNRT
“Relaxométrie RMN et imagerie des poumons à très bas champ magnétique avec 3He hyperpolarisé“.
Partnership: LKB (UMR 8552), U2R2M (UMR 8081) – Funding: 400 kF
– Scientific partner
- ACI research grant, “Télémédecine et technologie pour la santé”, MNRT, 1999–2000
“Production et détection d’hélium-3 hyperpolarisé pour l’imagerie des poumons par RMN”“
Partnership: LKB (UMR 8552), U2R2M (UMR 8081), OptoComm (a company, based in Lannion; since then, transformed into Keopsys, then Lumibird)- Funding: 1.2 MF
– Scientific partner
French networks (2000 – Present)
- Réseau Thématique de Recherche Avancée
“De la molécule aux thérapies (2006 – )
Contribution to the activities of the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Foundation.
Grants: support for visitors extended stays (K. S., PhD S. K., post-doc, and C. B., invited professor)
– Scientific partner
- GDR 3271 (CNRS, 2009- 2013, coord.: L. Darrasse)
IMAGIV, “Imageries in vivo”
– Scientific partner
- GDR2144 (CNRS, 2004- 2008, coord.: Y. Crémillieux)
“Gaz rares hyperpolarisés: Des techniques de pompage optiques aux applications RMN“
– Scientific partner
International bilateral collaborative projects (2000 – Present)
- ANR-RSF grant (ANR PCRI, Russian Federation, 2020-2022)
MARGIN, “NMR investigation of MAGnetization-Induced Non-linear Effects” Partnership: LKB, MRS Lab (Kazan Federal University – Volga Region, Kazan) – Total funding: 453 k€ – Coordinator
- ANR-FWF grant (ANR Blanc International, Autriche, 2013-2016)
IMAGINE, “NMR investigation of MAGnetization-Induced Non-linear Effects” Partnership: IRAMIS (CEA/DRF/ NIMBE/IRAMIS, UMR 3685, CEA Saclay), LKB, J. Kepler University (Linz, Autriche), RS2D (French company, Strasbourg) – Total funding: 585 k€ – Scientific partner
- Procope program (2006-2007)
Partnership: LKB, J. Gutenberg U. Mainz (Mainz, Germany) “Amélioration de la production et la gestion de gaz d’hélium-3 hyperpolarisé pour l’IRM du poumon et la recherche fondamentale” – Scientific partner
- Polonium program (2003 – 2005)
Partnership: LKB, U. Jagiellonienne (Krakow, Poland) “Amélioration du pompage optique pour l’application IRM, recherche des processus limitant les performances à haute pression.” – Scientific partner
European collaborative projects (2000 – Present)
- Research and Training Network (FP6, Marie Curie Actions, 2007 – 2011); 3.7 M€, coord.: Y. Crémillleux, Lyon U.)
PHeLINet, “Polarised Helium Lung Imaging Network” Participants : 11 academic partners in 7 countries, 6 industrial partners (including 3 SMEs and 3 major manufacturers for clinical MRI systems) – Chair of the Recruitment Committee (Recruited young researchers: 11 PhD and 7 post-docs.) – Member of the Steering Committee – Scientific partner – Contributions to PHeLINet Training Schools (tutorials presentations, hands-on training sessions)
- Research, Technology, and Development project (FP5 – Quality of life, 2000-2004; 1.32 M€, coord.: M. Leduc, LKB)
PHIL, “Polarized Helium to Image the Lung” Participants: 9 academic and hospital partners, 6 countries – Scientific partner + Contribution to PHIL coordination.
- COST Trans-Domain Action (FP7, MNPS “Materials, Physics and Nanosciences”, TD1103, 2011–2015; coord.: J. Maytysik, NL)
EUROHyperPOL, “European Network for Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI” Participants: 22 countries – Scientific partner
- Access program (FP6, 2004 – 2008)
Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy – Joint Research Activity 4: 3He Neutron Spin Filters – Scientific observer + Communications + Transfer of knbowledge.
- Training, Mobility and Research (FP6, 2004-2007; 252 person/month, coord.: M. Pinard, LKB)
QuFAR, “Quantum physics Fundamental and Applied Research” – Scientific partner + Training of hosted foreign PhD students (Institute of Physics, Jagiellionian University, Krakow, Poland; Institut fur Physik, Mainz University, Deutschland)
Paris 6 University : Magistère Interuniversitaire de Physique (1987-1989)
- Electromagnetism and optics – Tutorials and exercises (Professor Serge Haroche)
- Laboratory training
- Tutoring of students for physics projects
- Scientific manager of staff and equipment for laboratory training.
- Scientific manager of the MIP library.
ENS Paris (1985-1987)
- Optics – Tutorials and exercises
- Laboratory training
Article for the general public
- LEDUC M., NACHER P.-J., and TASTEVIN G., Bulletin de la S.F.P. 116 (1998) 25-31: “L’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique utilisant des gaz rares polarisés“
Conferences for the general public
- TASTEVIN G., Assosciences Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse (2015) :”Imagerie fonctionnelle du poumon par IRM de gaz polarisé“
- TASTEVIN G., Université dans la Cité (April 2004, Université Paris 6):”Observer et exploiter le mystérieux comportement des fluides fortement aimantés“
- TASTEVIN G., Université dans la Cité (February 2003, Université Paris 6):”Imagerie pulmonaires avec des gaz polarisés“
Dissemination of knowledge
- NACHER P.J., TASTEVIN G., “Optical pumping of 3He in a high magnetic field (with add-on: Measuring nuclear polarisation)“, Open session of the NMI3 – JRA4 Joint meeting (Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy “3He Neutron Spin Filters” -Joint Research Activity), 2005 (Chilton, Royaume Uni)
- ABBOUD M., SINATRA A., MAITRE X., TASTEVIN G., NACHER P.-J., “High nuclear polarization of helium-3 at low and high pressure by metastability exchange optical pumping at 1.5 Tesla“, Open meeting of the European consortium PHIL, 2004 (Copenhague, Danemark).
- TASTEVIN G., NACHER P.-J., CHOUKEIFE J., ABBOUD M., SINATRA A., DOHNALIK T., MAITRE X., BIDINOSTI C., VIGNAUD A.,”On-site gas production, optical pumping studies at high magnetic field, and in vivo NMR and MRI at 3mT“, Open meeting of the European consortium PHIL, 2003 (Cracovie, Pologne)
Teaching and training
- TASTEVIN G., PHeLINet General training school (Paris, January2008): Lung Imaging with Hyper-polarised Helium-3 Magnetic Resonance – from gas production to medical applications (Tutorial + Hands-on lab training)
- TASTEVIN G., PHeLINet Training school (Madrid, May 2008): Magnetic Resonance Lung Imaging Using Hyperpolarized Gases (Advanced Course)
- Ad hoc referee for grant applications: MNRT, ANR et JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).
- Ad hoc referee for peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Low temperature Physics, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
- Ad hoc panel member for academic recruitment: USA, Europe, Israël. In France, expert member or representative of the recruiting laboratory for appointment by: CNRS, ENS, Paris 11 University, and Collège de France (lecturers, engineers, or technicians).
- Panel member for scientific prizes: 2008 – 2017: European Nicholas Kurti Science Prize (Oxford Instruments Nanoscience)
- (Formerly) ad hoc examiner for the ENS Paris: competitive exam for ENS scholarship (Concours d’entrée) and ENS training (Concours externe).
- Hyperpolarized Gases in Magnetic Resonance: Biomedical Investigations and Clinical Applications, International workshop & École Thématique CNRS 990204, Les Houches, 1999
Published proceedings: European Radiology (1999) 9, B1-B47
Co-chair (co-organiser, project leader for the CNRS school)
Co-editor of the peer-reviewed conference abstracts (Eur. Radiol., Springer Verlag)
- Polarization in Noble Gases, PiNG17, International conference, Park City (Utah, USA), 2017
Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee
- Lung imaging, latest developments and medical applications, PHeLINet International Workshop, Cracow (Poland), 2010
Member of the Scientific Committee