LKB - Atom chips group

Atom Chips Group

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We study fundamental many-body quantum physics and its applications, especially in quantum metrology and quantum information. To gain access to new physical situations, we also develop novel technological tools, such as atom chips and fiber Fabry-Pérot microcavities.

Our new website is online:

Spectral engineering of cavity-protected polaritons in an atomic ensemble

Our paper, which presents the demonstration of spectral engineering of polaritons in a cold atom cavity system, has recently been published in Nature Physics on Mai 2, 2023. You can read the full paper by accessing it here:

In this study, we investigate the influence of strong cavity interactions on the protection of polartions against emitter inhomogeneities, hightlighting the role played by dark states in this system. Leveraging the cavity protection effect, we successfully engineer the spectrum of polaritons, resulting in the generation of polartions with muliple frequencies. This can lead to applications in quantum networks, particularly for shaping single-photon emission. 

Mapping of the microscopic standing-wave field in a fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity with a nanowire probe

Our collaboration with Olivier Arcizet’s group at Institut Neel has allowed mapping of the microscopic standing-wave field in a fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity with a nanowire probe that is sensitive to the field of a single photon. This work just appeared in Physical Review X on 8 April 2021. The CNRS published a News item about this work (in French).



Permanent Staff
Postdoctoral researchers
Postgraduate Students
  • Pierre-Antoine Bourdel
    PhD student
  • Mengzi Huang
    PhD student
  • Mathieu Bertrand
    PhD student
  • Constance Poulain
  • Romain Long
    Maître de conférence
  • Lucas Béguin
    Postdoctoral researcher
  • Alice Sinatra
  • Torben Pöpplau
    PhD student
  • Group
    Atomchips Group
  • Mohamed Baghdad
    PhD student
  • Jean Hare
  • Jakob Reichel
  • Sylvain Schwartz
    Postdoctoral researcher

News and Events

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Recent Papers


A. B. Shkarin, A. D. Kashkanova, C. D. Brown, S. Garcia, K. Ott, J. Reichel, and J. G. E. Harris

Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 153601, 2019

Deterministic generation of multiparticle entanglement by quantum Zeno dynamics

G. Barontini, L. Hohmann, F. Haas, J. Estève & J. Reichel

Science 349, 1317 , 2015

Spontaneous spin squeezing in a rubidium BEC

Théo Laudat, Vincent Dugrain, Tommaso Mazzoni, Meng-Zi Huang, Carlos L Garrido Alzar, Alice Sinatra, Peter Rosenbusch and Jakob Reichel

New J. Phys. 20, 073018, 2018

Stability of a trapped-atom clock on a chip

R. Szmuk, V. Dugrain, W. Maineult, J. Reichel & P. Rosenbusch

Phys. Rev. A 92, 012106 , 2015

Limits of atomic entanglement by cavity feedback: From weak to strong coupling

K. Pawłowski, J. Estève, J. Reichel & A. Sinatra

EPL 113, 34005 , 2016

PhD thesis


Undergrad. report





Postdoc on the strontium project.

An ERC-funded postdoc position is available on our strontium cavity QED project. Please contact Jakob Reichel.



We offer internships for international and French Master students. A Master's project can be followed up with a PhD in our group.




We are always looking for smart and motivated young researchers to join our group.

Check the open positions or contact us for latest openings that may not be on this page yet.





Département de Physique Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05


Jakob Reichel    01 44 32 33 79

Romain Long    01 44 32 34 18

Alice Sinatra      01 44 32 25 72

Jean Hare           01 44 32 34 23

PhD students

Francesco Ferri     01 44 32 25 74

Théo Laudat

Mengzi Huang      01 44 32 25 74

Konstantin Ott      01 44 32 25 73

Torben Pöpplau    01 44 32 25 73