Clément Sayrin
Associate Professor
Personal status
- born on May 17, 1984
- French citizen
Education & Scientific career
- since 2015: Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) at Sorbonne Université, Paris
- 2012 — 2015: Postdoctoral fellow, Atominstitut, TU Wien, Group of Prof. Arno Rauschenbeutel, Vienna
- 2007 — 2012: Professeur Agrégé Préparateur at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris
- 2007 — 2011: PhD Student, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, CQED group, under the supervision of Prof. Michel Brune
- 2006: Agrégation de Physique, option Physique
- 2003 — 2007: Student of the ENS, Paris
Other positions & Fellowships
- 2020 : Délégation CNRS
- 2013 — 2015: Marie Curie Sklodowska Fellow (FP7 – IEF Program)
- 2012 — 2015: Postdoctoral Fellow of the Vienna Centre for Quantum Science and Technology
Laser Trapping of Circular Rydberg Atoms
R. G. Cortiñas, M. Favier, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, Y. Machu, J.M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, and M. Brune
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 123201 (2020)
Long-lived circular Rydberg states of laser-cooled Rubidium atoms in a cryostat
T. Cantat-Moltrecht, R. G. Cortiñas, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, S. Haroche, J.M. Raimond, M. Favier, M. Brune and C. Sayrin
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022032(R) (2020)
- Towards quantum simulation with circular Rydberg atoms
T.L. Nguyen, J.M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, R. Cortiñas, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, F. Assemat, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, S. Haroche, G. Roux, T. Jolicœur and M. Brune
Phys. Rev. X 8, 011032 (2018)
- Cold-atom-based implementation of the quantum Rabi model
P. Schneeweiss, A. Dareau, C. Sayrin
Phys. Rev. A 98, 021801 (R) (2018)
- Nanophotonic Optical Isolator Controlled by the Internal State of Cold Atoms
C. Sayrin, C. Junge, R. Mitsch, B. Albrecht, D. O’Shea, P. Schneeweiss, J. Volz, A. Rauschenbeutel
Phys. Rev. X 5, 041036 (2015)
- Storage of fiber-guided light in a nanofiber-trapped ensemble of cold atoms
C. Sayrin, C. Clausen, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel
Optica 2, 353-356 (2015)
- Quantum state-controlled directional spontaneous emission of photons into a nanophotonic waveguide
R. Mitsch, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel
Nat. Commun. 5, 5713 (2014)
- Exploiting the local polarization of strongly confined light for sub-micrometer-resolution internal state preparation and manipulation of cold atoms
R. Mitsch, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel
Phys. Rev. A 89, 063829 (2014)
- Backscattering properties of a waveguide-coupled array of atoms in the strongly nonparaxial regime
D. Reitz, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, I. Mazets, R. Mitsch, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel
Phys. Rev. A 89, 031804(R) (2014)
- Coherence properties of nanofiber-trapped cesium atoms
D. Reitz, C. Sayrin, R. Mitsch, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 243603 (2013)
- Feedback stabilization of discrete-time quantum systems subject to non-demolition measurements with imperfections and delays
H. Amini, A. Somaraju, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, M. Mirrahimi, et P. Rouchon
Automatica 49, 2683-2692 (2013)
- Quantum feedback experiments stabilizing Fock states of light in a cavity
B. Peaudecerf, C. Sayrin, X. Zhou, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, J.M. Raimond, M. Brune, et S. Haroche (2012)
Phys. Rev. A 87, 042320 (2013)
- Optimal time-resolved photon number distribution reconstruction of a cavity field by maximum likelihood
C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
New Journal of Physics 14, 115007 (2012)
- Quantum Zeno dynamics of a field in a cavity
J.-M. Raimond, P. Facchi, B. Peaudecerf, S. Pascazio, C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune, et S. Haroche
Phys. Rev. A 86, 032120 (2012)
- Field locked to a Fock state by quantum feedback with single photon corrections
X. Zhou, I. Dotsenko, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, J.M. Raimond, M. Brune, et S. Haroche
Phys. Rev. Lett 108, 243602 (2012)
- Real-time quantum feedback prepares and stabilizes photon number states
C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, X. Zhou, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, P. Rouchon, M. Mirrahimi, H. Amini, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
Nature 477, 73-77 (2011)
- Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics
J.-M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche, P. Facchi, et S. Pascazio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 213601 (2010)
- Reconstruction of non-classical cavity field states with snapshots of their decoherence
S. Deléglise, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, J. Bernu, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
Nature 455, 510-514 (2008)
- Process tomography of field damping and measurement of Fock state lifetimes by quantum non-demolition photon counting in a cavity
M. Brune, J. Bernu, C. Guerlin, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, S. Kuhr, I. Dotsenko, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 240402 (2008)
- Freezing coherent field growth in a cavity by quantum Zeno effect
J. Bernu, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Kuhr, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180402 (2008)
- Progressive field-state collapse and quantum non-demolition photon counting
C. Guerlin, J. Bernu, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, S. Kuhr, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche
Nature 448, 889-894 (2007)
- Design and stability of discrete-time quantum filters with measurement imperfections
A. Somaraju, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, et P. Rouchon
Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, 5084-5089 (2012)
PhD Thesis
Preparation and Stabilisation of a Non-Classical Field in a Cavity by Quantum Feedback (20100)
- Optical Diode,
Jürgen Volz, Philipp Schneeweiss, Clément Sayrin, Arno Rauschenbeutel
Patent numbers: AT516164B1 (published on 15/03/16), WO2016025970A1 (published on 25/02/16), US9952384B2 (published on 24/04/18), EP3183607B1 (published on 28/11/18), JP6599434B2 (published on 30/10/19)
- Laser Trapping of Circular Rydberg Atoms
R. G. Cortiñas, M. Favier, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, Y. Machu, J.M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, and M. Brune
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 123201 (2020)
- Long-lived circular Rydberg states of laser-cooled Rubidium atoms in a cryostat
T. Cantat-Moltrecht, R. G. Cortiñas, B. Ravon, P. Méhaignerie, S. Haroche, J.M. Raimond, M. Favier, M. Brune and C. Sayrin
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022032(R) (2020)
- Cold-atom-based implementation of the quantum Rabi model P. Schneeweiss, A. Dareau, C. Sayrin Phys. Rev. A 98, 021801 (R) (2018)
- Towards quantum simulation with circular Rydberg atoms T.L. Nguyen, J.M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, R. Cortiñas, T. Cantat-Moltrecht, F. Assemat, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, S. Haroche, G. Roux, T. Jolicœur and M. Brune Phys. Rev. X 8, 011032 (2018)
- Nanophotonic Optical Isolator Controlled by the Internal State of Cold Atoms C. Sayrin, C. Junge, R. Mitsch, B. Albrecht, D. O’Shea, P. Schneeweiss, J. Volz, A. Rauschenbeutel Physical Review X 5, 041036 (2015)
- Storage of fiber-guided light in a nanofiber-trapped ensemble of cold atoms C. Sayrin, C. Clausen, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel Optica 2, 353-356 (2015)
- Quantum state-controlled directional spontaneous emission of photons into a nanophotonic waveguide R. Mitsch, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel Nature Communications 5, 5713 (2014)
- Exploiting the local polarization of strongly confined light for sub-micrometer-resolution internal state preparation and manipulation of cold atoms R. Mitsch, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel Physical Review A 89, 063829 (2014)
- Backscattering properties of a waveguide-coupled array of atoms in the strongly nonparaxial regime D. Reitz, C. Sayrin, B. Albrecht, I. Mazets, R. Mitsch, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel Physical Review A 89, 031804(R) (2014)
- Coherence properties of nanofiber-trapped cesium atoms D. Reitz, C. Sayrin, R. Mitsch, P. Schneeweiss, et A. Rauschenbeutel Physical Review Letters 110, 243603 (2013)
- Feedback stabilization of discrete-time quantum systems subject to non-demolition measurements with imperfections and delays H. Amini, A. Somaraju, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, M. Mirrahimi, et P. Rouchon Automatica 49, 2683-2692 (2013)
- Quantum feedback experiments stabilizing Fock states of light in a cavity B. Peaudecerf, C. Sayrin, X. Zhou, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, J.M. Raimond, M. Brune, et S. Haroche (2012) Physical Review A 87, 042320 (2013)
- Optimal time-resolved photon number distribution reconstruction of a cavity field by maximum likelihood C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche New Journal of Physics 14, 115007 (2012)
- Quantum Zeno dynamics of a field in a cavity J.-M. Raimond, P. Facchi, B. Peaudecerf, S. Pascazio, C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, S. Gleyzes, M. Brune, et S. Haroche Physical Review A 86, 032120 (2012)
- Field locked to a Fock state by quantum feedback with single photon corrections X. Zhou, I. Dotsenko, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, J.M. Raimond, M. Brune, et S. Haroche Physical Review Letters 108, 243602 (2012)
- Real-time quantum feedback prepares and stabilizes photon number states C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, X. Zhou, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, P. Rouchon, M. Mirrahimi, H. Amini, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche Nature 477, 73-77 (2011)
- Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics J.-M. Raimond, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, S. Haroche, P. Facchi, et S. Pascazio Physical Review Letters 105, 213601 (2010)
- Reconstruction of non-classical cavity field states with snapshots of their decoherence S. Deléglise, I. Dotsenko, C. Sayrin, J. Bernu, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche Nature 455, 510-514 (2008)
- Process tomography of field damping and measurement of Fock state lifetimes by quantum non-demolition photon counting in a cavity M. Brune, J. Bernu, C. Guerlin, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, S. Kuhr, I. Dotsenko, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche Physical Review Letters 101, 240402 (2008)
- Freezing coherent field growth in a cavity by quantum Zeno effect J. Bernu, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Kuhr, I. Dotsenko, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche Physical Review Letters 101, 180402 (2008)
- Progressive field-state collapse and quantum non-demolition photon counting C. Guerlin, J. Bernu, S. Deléglise, C. Sayrin, S. Gleyzes, S. Kuhr, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, et S. Haroche Nature 448, 889-894 (2007)