
The LKB is a partner of the ENS-ICFP Labex



Labex ENS-ICFP : ENS international centre of fondamental physics and its interfaces

The LKB is a partner of the ENS-ICFP Labex Composed of the five laboratories of the ENS Physics Department (the Kastler Brossel’s Laboratory, the Pierre Aigrain’s Laboratory, the Statistical Physics Laboratory, the Theoretical Physics Laboratory and the RadioAstronomy Laboratory), the Labex aim is to increase the international attractiveness of the department in order to perform on a level playing field with world-class universities.

The Labex will satisfy three clearly identified needs:

– A Research Chair Program for Junior Profiles

– A master/graduate school of physics offering an international training program in fundamental physics…

– A valorisation project to profoundly transform dissemination methods and results exploitation.


The specific action GRAM (Gravitation, References, Astronomy, Metrology) was created in 2010 by INSU (the National Institute of Universe Sciences) with the support of CNES and INP (the National Institute of Physics).

GRAM takes over the role that GREX has played for years.

GREX was a research group (GDR) of the CNRS from January 1995 to December 2006.


Since 2007, it has continued to informally exist, by publishing news, organizing or supporting conferences..
->Serge Reynaud

The GPhyS, a federative structure of twelve laboratories focused on the same themes, was also funded by the Paris Observatory in its quadrennial 2010-2013 project.
-  GPhys




The Francilien Institute for Research on Cold Atoms is a scientific interest group (GIS).

Created on the initiative of Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics, it combines the skills of about thirty teams from six francilian laboratories working in the field of cold atoms.

IFRAF-related research topics covered by the LKB

- Ultra-cold metastable helium gas
- Ultra-cold Fermi gases
- Continuous atom laser
- Spinning condensates and two-dimensional gases
- Theoretical quantum gas studies
- Atom microcircuits
- Cryogenic atom chips

- Metrology of simple systems
- Dynamics of disordered systems
- Quantum optics