Quantum Optics Group

The group research area is centered on the quantum properties of light that is produced by many different optical systems. It consists of experimental and theoretical studies concerning quantum fluctuations of light, generation of entangled states, interaction between quantum light and matter, nanophotonics, and quantum metrology.


News and Events

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Permanent Staff

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Multimode QO
Quantum Fluids
Quantum Networks
  • Julien Laurat
  • Quentin Glorieux
    Associate Professor
  • Alberto Bramati
  • Elisabeth Giacobino
    Emeritus Researcher
  • Claude Fabre
  • Valentina Parigi
  • Nicolas Treps
  • Mattia Walschaers
    Research scientist
  • Group Members

Job Offers

PostDoc Position: Analogue Gravity in polariton superfluids

PostDoc Position: Analogue Gravity in polariton superfluids

Analogue gravity enables the study of fields on curved spacetimes in the laboratory [1]: it is possible to create conditions in which waves in media propagate as though they were in the vicinity of a black hole [2] or on an expanding universe [3], for example. In the...

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Open PhD position – quantum complex communication networks

Open PhD position – quantum complex communication networks

ERC consolidator grant COQCOoN ( PI: Valentina Parigi -  valentina.parigi@lkb.upmc.fr) Complex network theory has provided a deep insight of complex systems, assembling theoretical tools able to the describe dynamical behavior of biological, social and technological...

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We are always looking for brillant motivated scientists to join our group.

Check the open positions or send us your CV for application.

Recent Publications

Non-Gaussian quantum states of a multimode light field

Young-Sik Ra, Adrien Dufour, Mattia Walschaers, Clément Jacquard, Thibault Michel, Claude Fabre, and Nicolas Treps

Nature Physics (2019)

Observation of the Bogoliubov dispersion in a fluid of light

Q. Fontaine, T. Bienaime, S. Pigeon, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati, Q. Glorieux.

Phys. Rev. Lett. – Editors’ Suggestion, 121, 183604 , (2018).

Polarization Control of Linear Dipole Radiation Using an Optical Nanofiber.

M. Joos, C. Ding, V. Loo, G. Blanquer, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati, V. Krachmalnicoff, Q. Glorieux.

Physical Review Applied, 9, 064035 (2018).

Injection of Orbital Angular Momentum and Storage of Quantized Vortices in Polariton Superfluids

T. Boulier, E. Cancellieri, N. D. Sangouard, Q. Glorieux, A. V. Kavokin, D. M. Whittaker, E. Giacobino, and A. Bramati
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 116402




Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Case 74, 13-23 2ème étage
4 place Jussieu,
75252 Paris Cedex 05

  • Quentin Glorieux – 01 44 27 41 89
  • Alberto Bramati – 01 44 27 41 89
  • Nicolas Treps – 01 44 27 44 09
  • Julien Laurat – 01 44 27 30 64