A new method of probing mechanical losses of coatings at cryogenic temperatures
Serge Galliou, Samuel Deléglise, Maxim Goryachev, Leonhard Neuhaus, Gianpietro Cagnoli, Salim Zerkani, Vincent Dolique, Jérémy Bon, Xavier Vacheret, Philippe Abbé, Laurent Pinard, Christophe Michel, Thibaut Karassouloff, Tristan Briant, Pierre-François Cohadon, Antoine Heidmann, Michael E. Tobar, and Roger Bourquin.
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High-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities with bidimensional Si3N4 photonic-crystal slabs
Xu Chen, Clément Chardin, Kevin Makles, Charles Caër, Sheon Chua, Rémy Braive, Isabelle Robert-Philip, Tristan Briant, Pierre-François Cohadon, Antoine Heidmann, Thibaut Jacqmin and Samuel Deléglise
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