LKB - Optomechanics and Quantum measurements group

Tristan Briant

Tristan Briant

Associate Professor

Optomechanics and Quantum Measurements team

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Tristan Briant

  • Acoustic confinement in superlattice cavities. D. Garcia-Sanchez, S. Déleglise, J.-L. Thomas, P. Atkinson, C. Lagoin, B. Perrin. arXiv (2016)
  • A new method of probing mechanical losses of coatings at cryogenic temperatures. S. Galliou, S. Deléglise, M. Goryachev, L. Neuhaus, G. Cagnoli, S. Zerkani, V. Dolique, X. Vacheret, P. Abbé, L. Pinard, C. Michel, T. Karassouloff, T. Briant, P.-F. Cohadon, A. Heidmann, M. E Tobar, R. Bourquin. arXiv (2016)
  • High-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities with bidimensional Si3N4 photonic-crystal slabs. X. Chen, C. Chardin, K. Makles, C. Caër, S. Chua, R. Braive, I. Robert-Philip, T. Briant, P.-F. Cohadon, A. Heidmann, T. Jacqmin, S. Deléglise, Nature Light: Science and Applications (2016)

Publications within the Virgo collaboration

  • 2D photonic-crystal optomechanical nanoresonator. K Makles, T Antoni, AG Kuhn, S Deléglise, T Briant, P-F Cohadon, R Braive, G Beaudoin, L Pinard, C Michel, V Dolique, R Flaminio, G Cagnoli, I Robert-Philip, A Heidmann. Optics letters (2015).

Publications within the Virgo Collaboration


Publications within the Virgo Collaboration


Publications within the Virgo Collaboration

Conference Proceedings









  • Ultrahigh finesse Fabry-Pérot superconducting resonator. Stefan Kuhr, Sébastien Gleyzes, Christine Guerlin, Julien Bernu, Ulrich Busk Hoff, Samuel Deléglise, Stefano Osnaghi, Michel Brune, Jean-Michel Raimond, Serge Haroche, E Jacques, P Bosland, B Visentin. Appl. Phys. Lett. (2006)
  • Propagation of bipartite entangled state through a negative refractive index medium. Q. Glorieux, J. Clark, R. Glasser, U. Vogl, P.D. Lett. Non-Linear Optics. OSA Meeting in Hawaii (2013). 
  • Four-wave-mixing in hot atomic vapor for spatially multimode squeezed light generation, Q. Glorieux, J. Clark, N. Corzo-Trejo, Z. Zhou, R. Glasser, A. Marino, U. Vogl, P.D. Lett, Post deadline paper in proceedings of ICQI, Ottawa (2011) 
  • Strong quantum correlations in four wave mixing in 85Rb vapor, Q. Glorieux, S. Guibal, L. Guidoni, J-P. Likforman, T. Coudreau, Proceedings of SPIE Quantum Optics, 7727, (2010) 
  • Sympathetic cooling in a multi-isotope Sr Coulomb crystal, S. Removille, Q. Glorieux, T. Coudreau, L. Guidoni and J.-P. Likforman, S. Guibal, Proceedings of SPIE Quantum Optics, 7727, (2010) 
  • A standardized remote monitoring photographic capture system (RMPCS) for in-situ documentation of corrosion protection system tests, J. Crawford, C. Degrigny, Q. Glorieux, P. Bugeja and D. Vella, in Proceedings: Strategies for Saving Our Cultural Heritage, pp. 85-92 (2007) 

Communication in international conferences

  1. Invited talk at the 11th international Conference on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles
  2. Quantum nanocrystal as an efficient single photon source, Invited Oral Presentation at East China Normal University ECNU, Shanghai, China (2015).
  3. Effect of charging on CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods single-photon emission, Invited Oral Presentation – ICSS – Nano 2014, Hong-Kong, China
  4. Injection of angular momentum in a polariton superfluid. Poster – ICAP 2014, Washington, USA.
  5. Polariton-generated intensity squeezing in semiconductor micropillars. Poster – ICSCE 7, 2014, Hakone, Japan.
  6. Propagation of bipartite entangled state through a negative refractive index medium. Talk – Non-Linear Optics. OSA Meeting, 2013, Hawaii, USA.
  7. Quantum mutual information of an entangled state through a negative refractive index medium. Poster – ICOLS, 2013, Berkeley, USA.
  8. Temporally multiplexed storage of images in a Gradient Echo Memory, Poster – ICAP, 2012, Palaiseau, France.
  9. Atomic diffusion effects on the coherent storage of an image using a gradient echo memory in a warm atomic vapor, Talk – CLEO, 2012, San Jose, CA, USA
  10. Four-wave-mixing in hot atomic vapor for spatially multimode squeezed light generation, Post deadline talk – International Conference on Quantum Information 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  11. Quantum correlations between intense beams using four-wave mixing in atomic vapor: theory and experiments, Talk – European/French Israeli Symposium on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics 2011, Aussois, France.
  12. Generation of twin beams using four-wave mixing: theory and experiments, Talk – APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting 2010, Houston, Texas, USA.
  13. Trapping and cooling of Sr+ ions: strings and large clouds, Poster – APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting 2010, Houston, Texas, USA.
  14. Strong quantum correlations in four wave mixing in 85Rb vapor : theory and experiments, Talk , Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
  15. Trapped Sr+ ions for quantum information, Talk – IFRAF Conference of Quantum Physics with Atoms and Photons 2009 , Les Houches, France.
  16. Towards a Quantum memory in trapped ions, Talk , Modern Applications of Trapped Ions 2008, Les Houches, France.
  17. Cold atoms experiment with Yb, Poster, 2007, School of Physics : Quantum Optics , Les Houches, France.
