Serge Reynaud
Directeur de recherche CNRS
Research topics
- Casimir physics and quantum vacuum fluctuations
- Casimir-Polder forces and quantum reflection
- Quantum decoherence and gravitational waves
- Interface between gravitation and quantum physics
- Tests of the laws of gravitation
Publications on my Publons profile
Publications on my Scholar profile
Preprints/reprints on my arXiv profile
Lecture notes and introductory articles available on line
(a few of them in french, as indicated by the titles below).
Casimir forces – S. Reynaud & A. Lambrecht, Les Houches Summer School “Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics” (2013)
Casimir effect in the scattering approach: correlations between material properties, temperature and geometry – A. Lambrecht, A. Canaguier-Durand, R. Guérout & S. Reynaud, in Casimir Physics, D. Dalvit et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics 834 (Springer, 2011) 97-127.
The Casimir effect within scattering theory – A. Lambrecht, P.A. Maia Neto & S. Reynaud, New J. Phys. 8 (2006) 243(25).
Electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations, Casimir and Van der Waals forces – C. Genet, F. Intravaia, A. Lambrecht, S. Reynaud, Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie 29 (2004) 311-328.
The Casimir force and the quantum theory of optical networks – S. Reynaud, Ecole Doctorale de Physique de la Région Parisienne (2002)
Mass, inertia and gravitation – Mass and Motion in General Relativity (2008) – M.T. Jaekel and S. Reynaud, Fundamental Theories of Physics 162 (Springer, 2011) 491-530.
Testing General Relativity with Atomic Clocks – Probing the Nature of Gravity (2008) – S. Reynaud, C. Salomon and P. Wolf, Space Sci. Rev. 148 (2009) 233-247.
Tests of general relativity in the solar system – Enrico Fermi School of Physics (2007) – S. Reynaud & M.-T. Jaekel, Atom Optics and Space Physics, eds. E. Arimondo et al (Societa Italiana di Fisica & IOS Press, 2009) 203-217.
Gravitational waves, diffusion and decoherence – Enrico Fermi School of Physics (2007) – S. Reynaud, B. Lamine & M.-T. Jaekel, Atom Optics and Space Physics, eds. E. Arimondo et al (Societa Italiana di Fisica & IOS Press, 2009) 219-239.
Relativity of motion in quantum vacuum – M.-T. Jaekel, A. Lambrecht & S. Reynaud – Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, V.G. Gurzadyan, R.T. Jantzen & R. Ruffini eds (World Scientific, 2002) 1447
Relativity of motion in vacuum – M.-T. Jaekel, A. Lambrecht & S. Reynaud – invited contribution written for a book which never appeared (1998)
Relativité du mouvement dans le vide – M.-T. Jaekel, A. Lambrecht & S. Reynaud, in Le Vide, eds. E. Gunzig and S. Diner (Editions Complexe, 1998) 255-262.
Movement and Fluctuations of the Vacuum – M.-T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, Reports on Progress in Physics 60 (1997) 863-887.
Quantum algebraic representation of localization and motion of a Dirac electron – M.-T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, Quantum ElectroDynamics and Physics of the Vacuum, ed. G. Cantatore, (AIP, 2001) 58-67.
Quantum Observables associated with Einstein Localisation – M.-T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, Frontiers Tests of QED and Physics of Vacuum, eds. E. Zavattini, D. Bakalov and C. Rizzo (Heron Press, 1998) 389-404.
Vacuum fluctuations and accelerated frames – M.T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, “Coherence and Quantum Optics” eds. J.H. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf (Plenum, 1996) 153-158.
Acceleration of quantum fields – M.T. Jaekel & S. Reynaud, Brazilian J. Physics 25 (1995) 315-323.
Introduction to quantum optics – T. Coudreau, C. Fabre & S. Reynaud, Optics in Astrophysics, eds. R. Foy and F. Foy (NATO Sciences Series in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 198, 2005) 351-358
Quantum fluctuations in optical systems – S. Reynaud, A. Heidmann, E. Giacobino & C. Fabre, Progress in Optics 30 (Elsevier, 1992) 1-85.
Quantum noise in optical systems – Les Houches Summer School (1990) – C. Fabre & S. Reynaud, “Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics” eds. J. Dalibard, J.-M. Raimond and J. Zinn-Justin (Elsevier, 1992) 675-711.
A semi-classical input output transformation for quantum fluctuations – S. Reynaud, A. Heidmann, E. Giacobino & C. Fabre, “Coherence and Quantum Optics” eds. J.H. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf (Plenum, 1990) 993-997.
La réduction du bruit quantique – Colloque sur les Lasers et l’Optique Quantique – S. Reynaud et al, Annales de Physique 15 (1990) C1 3-8.
Introduction à la réduction du bruit quantique – DEA de Physique Quantique – S. Reynaud, Annales de Physique 15 (1990) 63-162.
Photon statistics and quantum jumps – the picture of the dressed atom radiative cascade S. Reynaud, J. Dalibard & C. Cohen-Tannoudji, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics QE24 (1988) 1395-1402.
La cascade radiative de l’atome habillé J. Dalibard, S. Reynaud & C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Interaction of radiation with matter, eds. Alzetta, Arimondo, Bassani and Radicatti (Pubblicazioni della Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 1987) 29-48.
Non classical properties of resonance fluorescence light J. Dalibard & S. Reynaud, New trends in atomic physics, eds. G. Grynberg and R. Stora (North-Holland, 1984) 181-191.
Atoms in strong light fields: photon antibunching in single atom fluorescence C. Cohen-Tannoudji & S. Reynaud, Philosophical Transactions Royal Society A293 (1979) 233-237.
Les spectres de fluorescence ou d’absorption d’une vapeur excitée par laser: étude par la méthode de l’atome habillé – DEA de Physique Quantique – S. Reynaud, Annales de Physique 8 (1983) 371-416.
La fluorescence de résonance: étude par la méthode de l’atome habillé – S. Reynaud, Annales de Physique 8 (1983) 315-370.
Collisional effects in resonance fluorescence S. Reynaud & C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Laser Spectroscopy, eds. A.R.W. McKellar, T. Oka and B.P. Stoicheff (Springer, 1981) 166-173.
Compensation of Doppler broadening by velocity-dependent light shifts S. Reynaud, M. Himbert, J. Dupont-Roc & C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Laser Spectroscopy, eds. H. Walther and K.W. Rothe (Springer, 1979) 96-105.
Spontaneous Raman effect in intense laser fields C. Cohen-Tannoudji & S. Reynaud, Laser Spectroscopy, eds. Hall and Carlsten (Springer, 1977) 195-204.
Dressed-atom approach to resonance fluorescence C. Cohen-Tannoudji & S. Reynaud, Multiphoton processes, eds. J.H. Eberly and P. Lambropoulos (Wiley, 1978) 103-118.