Alberto Bramati

Alberto Bramati


Nano-Optics and Quantum Fluids of Light teams

Alberto Bramati                                                                                          

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

Sorbonne Université, Ecole Normale Supérieure et CNRS.

Married, 2 daugthers

Education, positions and awards

2015:               Elected OSA Fellow

Since 2008:     Full Professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie-UPMC

2006-2011:     Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France

2004 :              « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’UPMC » : Quantum Optics with semiconductors and cold atoms

2001-2007:     Assistent Professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie-UPMC

1999-2001:     Post-doc at University of Insubria-Como, Italy

1998-1999:     Post-Doc at University Paris XIII- Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers

1995-1998:      PhD at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, UPMC : Quantum noise in semiconductor and solid state lasers (Marie Curie fellowship)

1994:               Internship at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

1993:               Laurea in Physics at University of Milan, Italy

Research fields

Laser Physics, Atomic Physics, Atomic Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Non Linear Optics, Soliton formation, Quantum Optics, Generation of Non-Classical Light and Squeezed states, Nano-photonics, single photon sources, semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots, exciton-polariton physics, polariton quantum fluids

Scientific Production

>4000 citations, h-factor=33 (Google Scholar)

>100 publications in international peer review journals (including 1 Science, 3 Nature Phys., 2 Nature Photonics, 2 Nature Communications, 1 Scientific Reports, 1 Optica, 16 PRL, 9 PRB, 7 PRA, 5 JOSA B, 6 Opt. Lett., 2 Optics Express, 1 APL),

Several oral presentation in international conferences (>40 invited talks) and seminars, invited lectures at several International Schools : Maratea, Italie 2007, 2009, 2013; Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 2009, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia 2010, Phuket 2011, International School on Semiconductor Physics (Krynica-Zdroj, Poland 2010), International Summer School on Nonlinear Dynamics, Dynamical Transitions and Instabilities in Classical and Quantum Systems, ICTP, Trieste, 14-31 july 2014.

Phd Thesis supervision; 11 defended thesis, 2 currently running; Post-Docs supervision; 9 post-docs (13 years)

Expertise activity

  • Referee for American Physical Society (PRL, PRA, PRB), Optical Society of America (Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, JOSAB), European Physical Journal, Applied Physics Letters, Nature Physics, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications.
  • Expert for QIPC projets and for Marie Sklodovska Curie Actions of the European Community program
  • Expert for the ANR (French National Agency), Austrian Research Council, German DFG and Italian national Agency (PRIN)
  • Member of the jury Defence of 27 PhD thesis, 2 HDR
  • Guest Editor for the book: « Quantum fluids: hot-topics and new trends », Springer&Verlag, published july 2013.

Organisation of scientific meetings

  • Member of the local committee of the international conference OECS12 (Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems), September 2011, Paris (300 participants).
  • Member of the Program Committee of the Conference « Quantum Dots and Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modelling XI », Photonic West-OPTO.
  • Organiser of a special session on Polaritons at the “Congres Général de la Sociéte Française de Physique”, August 2015, Strasbourg, France
  • Organiser of the School “Quantum Fluids of Light and Matter 2018”, 25-29 June, les Houches, France

Institutional responsabilities

  • Since 2008, Member of the scientific council of the physics department of the University UPMC
  • Since 2011, Member of the national CNU commission (Conseil National des Universités)
  • Since 2014, National coordinator for the fields « Physics-Chemistry and Engineer sciences» of the French-Brazilian cooperation CAPES-COFECUB
  • Since 2013, Member of the « Directive Council » of the L.E.N.S. laboratory, Florence, Italy, as representative of University UPMC
  • Since 2008, Co-organizer of the “ Physics Colloquium” of the University UPMC


Books and book chapters

  1. Physics of Quantum Fluids, New trends and Hot-Topics in atomic and Polariton condensates, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 177 (2013), Edited by : Bramati, M. Modugno
  2. Amo and A. Bramati, “Superfluidity and Hydrodynamic Topological Excitations of Microcavity Polaritons” Chapter 7, in Exciton Polaritons in microcavities, New Frontiers, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences 172 (2012), Edited by D. Sanvitto, V. Timofeev

Selected Peer review Papers (citations from Google Scholar):

  1. Salakhutdinov, M. Sondermann, L. Carbone, E. Giacobino, A. Bramati and G. Leuchs, accepted, Optica (2016) Title: Optical trapping of nanoparticles by full solid-angle focusing
  2. Geng, M. Manceau, N. Rahbany, V. Sallet, M. De Vittorio, L. Carbone, Q. Glorieux, A. Bramati, C. Couteau, Scientific Reports, 6, 19721 (2016) Title : Localised excitation of a single photon source by a nanowaveguide, 1 citation
  3. Vezzoli, M. Manceau, G. Lemenager, Q. Glorieux, E. Giacobino, L. Carbone, M. deVittorio and A. Bramati, ACS Nano, 9, 7992 (2015) Title: Exciton fine structure of CdSe/CdS nanocrystals determined by polarization microscopy at room temperature 7 citations
  4. Pellisser, M. Manceau, C. Lethiec, D. Coursault, S. Vezzoli, G. Leménager, L. Coolen, M. DeVittorio, F. Pisanello, L. Carbone, A. Maitre, A. Bramati, E. Lacaze, Adv. Funct. Mat. (2015), DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201403331, Title: Alignement of Rod-Shaped Single-Photon Emitters Driven by Line Defects in Liquid Crystals, 10 citations
  5. Pisanello, G. Leménager, L. Martiradonna, L. Carbone, S. Vezzoli, P. Desfonds, P.D. Cozzoli, J.P. Hermier, E. Giacobino, R. Cingolani, M. DeVittorio & A. Bramati, Advanced Materials, 25, 1974 (2013) : Non-blinking single photon generation with anisotropic colloidal nanocrystals : toward Room-temperature efficient colloidal quantum sources, 34 citations, highlights: article selected for the frontispiece image
  6. Hivet, H. Flayac, D. D. Solnyskhov, D. Tanese, T. Boulier, D. Andreoli, J. Bloch, E. Giacobino, A. Kavokin, A. Bramati, G. Malpuech, A. Amo, Nature Physics 8, 724 (2012) : Half-Solitons in a polariton quantum fluid behave like magnetic monopoles, 102 Citations, News&Views
  7. Amo, S. Pigeon, D. Sanvitto, V.G. Sala, R. Hivet, I. Carusotto, F. Pisanello, G. Leménager, R. Houdré, E. Giacobino, C. Ciuti & A. Bramati, Science, 332, 1167 (2011)  : Polariton Superfluids reveal Quantum Hydrodynamical Solitons, 252 Citations
  8. Amo, T.H.C Liew, C. Adrados, A.V. Kavokin, R. Houdré, E. Giacobino and A. Bramati, Nature Photonics, 4, 361 (2010)  : Exciton-Polariton Spin Switches, 182 Citations, News&Views
  9. Amo, J. Lefrère, S. Pigeon, C. Adrados, C. Ciuti, I. Carusotto, R. Houdré, E. Giacobino, and A. Bramati, Nature Physics, 5, 805 (2009) : Superfluidity of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities, 516 Citations
  10. Pisanello, L. Martiradonna, G. Leménager, P. Spinicelli, A. Fiore, J. P. Hermier, L. Manna, R. Cingolani, E. Giacobino, M. De Vittorio, and A. Bramati, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 033101(2010) : Room temperature-dipole like single photon source with a colloidal dot-in-rod, 70 citations, highlights: article selected for the cover image, for the APL 50TH anniversary editor’s picks, and for publication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale & Technology and in Virtual Journal of Quantum information