Prix Dylan Cattiaux

The Optomechanics & Nanomechanics thesis award “Dylan Cattiaux” is a prize introduced by the GdR MecaQ, in 2021. This annual award aims at rewarding the outstanding thesis work from a young researcher who did graduate her/his PhD in a France-based research group, in one of the topics covered by the GdR. The award consists of publishing the thesis manuscript of the awardee in a periodic volume at EDP Sciences, plus a substantial personal prize money. The prize is officially supported by the French Physical Society and the French Optical Society.


The candidates must have defended their PhD thesis within the two years preceding that of the award ceremony. The PhD work must have been completed in a France-based research group, in a scientific topic strongly related to those covered by the GdR. Should this scientific connexion appear less straightforward, a justification will be joined to the application file.

Application & Selection process

Applications will be received upon nominations from February 1st through June 30th. Proposers should make sure of the availability of all the application documents, including:
– The final version of the thesis manuscript
– The thesis reports
– The Jury’s defence report
– Publications from the nominee related to the PhD work
– A short cover letter exposing the reasons why the candidate is proposed for the award

The Jury is composed of the Scientific Committee members, plus a non-permanent, internationally renowned scientific personality acting as Honorary President. The Jury will designate two Referees for each nomination, who will present the results of their evaluation during a plenary session held in September, where the final decision will be made.

The awardee will be subsequently informed and invited to receive the prize and give a presentation of the rewarded work during the annual meeting of the GdR MecaQ.