8th International School of Sound and Light – SEL2022
We look forward to seeing you on the Ile d'Oléron for the 8th edition of the "Son et Lumière" school that is aimed at students (masters, doctoral students, post-doctoral students) and researchers wishing to deepen and broaden their knowledge in the field of the...
Postdoc position in levitating micro-magnets at LPENS
A post-doc position is opened in the nano-optics group at LPENS under the supervision of Pr. Gabriel Hétet.The post-doc will be part of a large consortium of prominent researchers around Europe involved in a QUANTERA project. One of the goals is to demonstrate...
Provisional program of Mecaqcolloq2021 announced & extended registration deadline (1 week)
The provisional program of the sixth meeting of the GdR MecaQ is available online. Additional information regarding accomodation and campus navigation have also been added. Furthermore, the registration deadline has been extended (until the 22/10/21) for those of you...
Post-doc position available at Institut Néel
A postdoctoral position is available at the Institut Néel/CNRS in Grenoble. The work will involve fabrication of microwave optomechanical devices and/or measurements of the devices at sub-mK temperatures.The ground state mechanical mode will be used to...
6th Annual Meeting of the GdR MecaQ moves to Paris-Saclay
The sixth "IRL" (In Real Life) annual meeting of the GdR MecaQ will finally be held next 15th and 16th November 2021 in CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay. The meeting will bring together the french optomechanics/nanomechanics community, with internationally renouned...
JMC17 : PMQ29 Program online (Opto-/ Electromechanics)
The program of the mini-colloquium "Optomechanics & Electromechanics: Physics and Applications" that will be held at the next Condensed Matter Days (Journées de la Matière Condensée) is now open. The JMC17 which will be held online from August 24 to 27.Please do...
MecaQ webinar #1: Pr. Jack Harris
Time: Friday 28th May, 4pm CET (Paris Time);Title: Measuring the higher-order phonon statistics in a nanogram volume of superfluid heliumAbstract: We detect the individual sideband photons produced by an optomechanical device consisting of a nanogram of superfluid...
MecaQ webinar series: kick-off with Pr. Jack Harris!
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the MecaQ webinar series. The webinar will be held monthly by internationally renowned speakers in the fields of optomechanics and nanomechanics and related applications. We are delighted to start our webinar series with...
Gravitational Waves from Theory to Experiments: the Birth of a New Astronomy
A Virtual School on Gravitational Waves will be held next 14-18 June 2021. The key information about the School is available on the ssm webpage.http://www.ssm.unina.it/it/gw-lectures/ The school is addressed to young graduates and PhDs, and its attendance is free. As...
JMC17 : Call for contribution for oral presentation or poster. Deadline : 15 May
The call for papers for the next Condensed Matter Days (Journées de la Matière Condensée) is now open. The JMC17 which will be held online from August 24 to 27.A mini-colloquium "Optomechanics and Electromechanics: Physics and Applications" (PMQ29 ) will notably take...