PhD Thesis - T Capelle - Sep 25th - LKB Jussieu

Thibault Capelle will defend his PhD thesis “Electromechanical cooling and parametric amplification of an ultrahigh-Q mechanical oscillator”, next Friday September 25th, 10am. The defense will be held in room RC27 at the ground floor of the Atrium building in Jussieu. You will find a map attached to reach this building from the metro/place Jussieu. The itinerary appears in cyan (see attached plan below).

The defense will be remotely accessible by clicking the link below. Clicking on this link will ask you to download a software client (even if you already downloaded it). To access the conference, you need to click on “OK”, then on “Télécharger”, then on “Continuer”.

In this thesis, we have studied an ultrahigh quality factor mechanical oscillator coupled to a microwave cavity. We will present an original technique to probe the losses of planar microwave cavities, as well as a resolved sideband cooling technique to actively cool this mechanical oscillator using the microwave cavity. Finally, we will present some optimizations of this experiment which open the path towards the ground state cooling of the mechanical oscillator. Such a hybrid quantum system could be used as an on-chip quantum memory, able to store fragile quantum states generated by superconducting quantum circuits for coherence times approaching a second.
