Analog time reversal mirror for radiofrequency signals
An ANR-funded PhD position is opened at Institut Langevin in the field of coherent light-matter interaction in rare-earth ion-doped crystals. This experimental project proposes to design and realize a new analog, broadband time-reversal device operating in the RF domain. In this internship/PhD project, the time-reversal figures of merit such as its bandwidth, latency time, and fidelity will be the figures of merit that we will have to study and optimize. Spectroscopic characterizations of the rare-earth doped crystal will be necessary to identify the fundamental limits to these parameters. The final validation of the architecture will include testing our time-reversal processor on RF signals in a reverberating cavity available at Institut Langevin.
Detailed offer: link
Key words: Quantum Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Laser Physics
Duration: 3 year
Website: link
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