Analog time reversal mirror for radiofrequency signalsAn ANR-funded PhD position is opened at Institut Langevin in the field of coherent light-matter interaction in rare-earth ion-doped crystals. This experimental project proposes to design and realize a new analog,...
C2N post-doc positionA postdoctoral position is opened at C2N on the topic of Synchronised optomechanical oscillators. The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in numerical simulations and nanofabrication in C2N clean-room. She/he will be involved in the...
Assistant professor on metrology at the quantum limit at IJCLabAn assistant professor position is currently opened at IJCLab (Orsay) on metrology at the quantum limit . Applications are available through the web portal, together with additional information.The...
Poste de MdC à l'UTT de TroyesUn poste est à pourvoir aux besoins du L2n qui concernent la nano optique & la nanophotonique au sens large (interaction et contrôle lumière-matière à l’échelle sub-longueur d’onde) : aspects fondamentaux, développements...
In vivo acousto-optic imaging with a rare-earth crystal-based high resolution filterThe Institut Langevin has an open postdoc position in the field of multi-wave imaging in biological media. It is funded for 1 year by the Labex WIFI. The project is part of a...
Postdocs and Tenure-track position at IFAE - SpainSeveral postdocs (3 years) and one tenure-track (5 years) position are opened at the Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies, Barcelona, Spain. The postdoc positions part of the JdC call, which is now open (deadline...
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