LKB - Optical Imaging in biogical and complex media

Our work in the Press

Nature Physics Cover - June 2014

brouillardPour La Science (Nov. 2011)

“Voir à travers le Brouillard”

Sylvain Gigan

(click for PDF)

(click for PDF)

News and Views –  Nature Photonics (Oct. 2014)

Jacopo Bertolotti

Interview Nature Photonics (Oct. 2014)

“Deciphering Speckle”

Voir à travers la Peau avec un Appareil Photo (Le Monde - Oct 2014)

News and Views –  Nature Physics (June. 2014)

Stefan Rotter

focus random - copie

Focus – Physics (American Physics Society)

Nature Physics Cover - June 2014

Physics Viewpoint (Feb. 2010)


Nature 467, 503 (30 September 2010)

Research Highlight section

Physics Viewpoint


Nature Photonics 4, 264 – 265 (2010)

Research Highlight section