LKB - Optical Imaging in biogical and complex media


  • R. Pierrat, P. Ambichl, S. Gigan, A. Haber, R. Carminati, S. Rotter, Invariance property of wave scattering through disordered media, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, 10.1073/pnas.1417725111  (2014) link
  • Savo, R., Pierrat , U. Najar , R. Carminati , S. Rotter, S. Gigan, Mean path length invariance in multiple light scattering, Science Vol. 358, Issue 6364, pp. 765-768 (2017) link

Mesoscopic Physics

Light Propagation in complex media gives rise to several non-trivial phenomena due to wave interferences, that can be connected to the domain of mesoscopic physics, usually explored in electronic systems. Among many, one can cite Anderson Localization and the existence of open channels of transmission, two highly non-intuitive phenomena that strongly modify the conduction properties of a disordered system for waves. While the transmission matrix developed in our group can be used to probe such phenomena, and have been, our group have focused on probing the temporal behavior of light in a complex media. PastedGraphic-4

Microfluidics : Optical manipulation using speckle


Optical trapping and manipulation of micro- or nanosized particles in liquids are routinely performed and have emerged as a very interesting tool in microfluidics for instance. However, they rely on carefully controlled optical focus and expensive and cumbersome setups. Speckle fields naturally provide a random trapping potential, yet with well-defined statistical properties. We study how the Brownian motion of particules in microfluidic environnement are modified and how we can deterministically trap and guide particules using speckles.

  • G. Volpe, L. Kurz, A. Callegari, G. Volpe, S. Gigan, Speckle Optical Tweezers: Micromanipulation with Random Light Fields, Opt. Express 22, 18159-18167 (2014) OE
  • G. Volpe, G. Volpe, S. Gigan, Brownian Motion in a Speckle Light Field : Tunable Anomalous Diffusion and Selective Optical Manipulation, Scientific Reports, 4 : 3936 (2014) SCIREP ARXIV