Bose-Einstein condensates
PhD Thesis since 2011- Edouard Le Cerf, Demixing phenomena in 2D Bose gases, Sorbonne Université (2020).
- Bertrand Evrard (2020)
- Alexandre Evrard (2020)
- Raphaël Saint-Jalm, Exploring two-dimensional physics with Bose gases in box potentials: phase ordering and dynamical symmetry, PSL (2019).
- Manel Bosch Aguilera, Coherence and relaxation of an optically-driven bosonic quantum gas, Sorbonne Université (2019).
- Raphaël Bouganne, Probing ultracold ytterbium in optical lattices with resonant light: from coherent control to dissipative dynamics, Sorbonne Université (2018).
- Chayma Bouazza, Ultracold dysprosium gas in optical dipole traps: control of interactions between highly magnetic atoms, PSL (2018).
- Jean-Loup Ville, Quantum gases in box potentials: sound and light in bosonic flatland, PSL (2018).
- Andrea Invernizzi, Phase separation and spin domains in a quasi-1D spinor condensates, PSL (2017).
- Davide Dreon, Designing and building an ultracold dysprosium experiment: a new framework for light-spin interaction, PSL (2017).
- Camille Frapolli, Thermodynamics and magnetism of antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, PSL (2017).
Laura Corman, The two dimensional Bose gas in box potentials, PSL (2016).
- Matthias Scholl, Probing an ytterbium Bose-Einstein condensate using an ultranarrow optical line: Towards artificial gauge fields in optical lattices, UPMC (2014).
- Vincent Corre, Magnetism in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates with antiferromagnetic interactions, ENS (2014).
- Lauriane Chomaz, Coherence and superfluidity of Bose gases in reduced dimensions: from harmonic traps to uniform fluids, ENS (2014).
- Lingxuan Shao, Theoretical and experimental study of spin-1 antiferromagnetic Bose-Einstein Condensates, ENS (2014).
- Rémi Desbuquois, Thermal and superfluid properties of the two-dimensional Bose gas, ENS (2013).
- David Jacob, Condensats de Bose-Einstein de spin 1 : étude expérimentale avec des atomes de sodium dans un piège optique, UPMC (2012).
- Tarik Yefsah, Thermodynamique du gaz de Bose à deux dimensions, UPMC (2011).
See the LKB page on the TEL server for PhD thesis prior to 2011.