Mixture in Mixed dimensions
Please visit our new website http://quantumgases-pariscdf.fr/dy-k-lab/

Current team: Maxime Lecomte, Jean Dalibard, Raphael Lopes
Former members: Virgin Durepaire (Aug 2021 – Jan 2022); Sarah Wattellier (Apr 2021 – Jul 2021); Jean-Gabriel Pipelin (May 2021 – Jul 2021); Louis Chambard (Jul 2021)
We are looking for PhD students and postdocs! Contact Raphael for more details.
Contacts: raphael.lopes@lkb.ens.fr
Collège de France. 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot. 75005 Paris
This project aims at probing intriguing few- to many-body physics.
We will investigate spin-polarized fermions trapped in two layers and interacting through a three-dimensional bath. This will allow us to form Efimov-like trimers between layers that are robust against three-body losses occurring at short-relative distances.
In the limit of dense and strongly-interacting samples, we will explore unconventional many-body phases of matter such as the emergence of a stable Fermi gas of Efimov trimers, interlayer s-wave Cooper pairing, and intralayer p-wave Cooper pairing.
We are setting up a new cold atom experiment in which dysprosium and potassium evolve in different dimensions.
This experiment has received funding from the French National Research Agency ANR-20-CE30-0024.
News from the lab
05/21 New room, empty table, the fun begins.

10/21 “Blue” optical table locked and loaded

11/21 Red optical table ready