Jérôme Beugnon
Associate Professor
Short CV
2018 : Habilitation thesis
Since 2008 : Associate Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
2007-2008 : Postdoc at Laboratoire Aime Cotton, Orsay : Landau-Zener transitions in frozen pairs of Rydberg atoms
2004-2007 : PhD at Institut d’Optique. Palaiseau. Two-photon interference between single photons emitted by singles atoms and coherent manipulation of single atoms.
Main topic : ultracold quantum gases
Ongoing projects :
– Two-dimensional Bose gases (Rubidium experiment)
– Artificial gauge fields with neutral atoms (Ytterbium experiment)
Coordinator of the NAQUAS QuantERA project (2018-2021)
Coordinator of the BOQUATRA ANR Grant (2019-2022)
Coordinator of the ERC Consolidator TORYD Grant (2020-2025)
♦ Realization of a Townes soliton in a two-component planar Bose gas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 023603 (2021) and arXiv:2103.01605
B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, Y.-Q. Zou, É. Le Cerf, R. Saint-Jalm, P. C. M. Castilho, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Strong correlations in lossy one-dimensional quantum gases:
from the quantum Zeno effect to the generalized Gibbs ensemble
Phys. Rev. A 103 L060201 (2021) and arXiv:2011.04318
D. Rossini, A. Ghermaoui, M. Bosch Aguilera, R. Vatré, R. Bouganne, J. Beugnon, F. Gerbier, L. Mazza
♦ Optical control of the density and spin spatial profiles of a planar Bose gas
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 08LT01 (2021) and arXiv:2102.05492
Y.-Q. Zou, É. Le Cerf, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, G. Chauveau, P. C. M. Castilho, R. Saint-Jalm, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Tan’s two-body contact across the superfluid transition of a planar Bose gas
Nat. Commun. 12, 760 (2021) and arXiv:2007.12385
Y.-Q. Zou, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, É. Le Cerf, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Transmission of near-resonant light through a dense slab of cold atoms
Phys. Rev. A 96, 053629 (2017) arXiv:1706.09698
L. Corman, J.L. Ville, R. Saint-Jalm, M. Aidelsburger, T. Bienaimé, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Relaxation dynamics in the merging of N independent condensates
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 190403 (2017) and arXiv:1705.02650
M. Aidelsburger, J.L. Ville, R. Saint-Jalm, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Loading and compression of a single two-dimensional Bose gas in an optical accordion
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013632 (2017) and arXiv:1611.07681
J.L. Ville, T. Bienaimé, R. Saint-Jalm, L. Corman, M. Aidelsburger, L. Chomaz, K. Kleinlein, D. Perconte, S. Nascimbène, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon
♦ Exploring the Kibble-Zurek mechanism with homogeneous Bose gases
J. Phys. B. 50, 022002 (2017) and arXiv:1611.01145
J. Beugnon, N. Navon
Creating fractional quantum Hall states with atomic clusters using light-assisted insertion of angular momentum
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043610 (2016)
J. Zhang, J. Beugnon, and S. Nascimbene
Hofstadter optical lattice for ultracold Ytterbium atoms
IEEE, Proceedings 2016 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) (2016)
M. Scholl, Q. Beaufils, A. Dareau, D. Doring, M. Bosch Aguilera, R. Bouganne, J. Beugnon and F. Gerbier
Doppler spectroscopy of an ytterbium Bose-Einstein condensate on the clock transition
Phys. Rev. A 91, 023626 (2015)
A. Dareau, M. Scholl, Q. Beauls, D. Doring, J. Beugnon, and F. Gerbier
Emergence of coherence via transverse condensation in a uniform quasi-two-dimensional Bose gas
Nat. Commun. 6, 6162 (2015)
L. Chomaz, L. Corman, T. Bienaime, R. Desbuquois, C. Weitenberg, S. Nascimbene, J. Beugnon, J.Dalibard
Quench-induced supercurrents in an annular Bose gas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 135302 (2014)
L. Corman, L. Chomaz, T. Bienaime, R. Desbuquois, C. Weitenberg, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J.Beugnon
Identifying topological edge states in 2D optical lattices using light scattering
Eur. Phys. J. : Spec. Top. 217, 135 (2013)
N. Goldman, J. Beugnon, F. Gerbier
Superfluid behaviour of a two-dimensional Bose gas
Nat. Phys. 8, 645 (2012)
R. Desbuquois, L. Chomaz, T. Yefsah, J. Leonard, J. Beugnon, C. Weitenberg, J. Dalibard
Detecting chiral edge states in the Hofstadter optical lattice
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 255303 (2012)
N. Goldman, J. Beugnon, F. Gerbier
Landau-Zener transitions in frozen pairs of Rydberg atoms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 133003 (2010)
N. Saquet, A. Cournol, J. Beugnon, J. Robert, P. Pillet, and N. Vanhaecke
Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers
Nat. Phys. 3, 696-699 (2007)
J. Beugnon, C. Tuchendler, H. Marion, A. Gaetan, Y. Myroshnychenko, Y.R.P. Sortais, A.M Lance,
M.P.A. Jones, G.Messin, A. Browaeys, and P. Grangier
Fast quantum state control of a single trapped neutral atom
Phys. Rev. A 75, 040301 (2007)
M.P.A. Jones, J. Beugnon, A. Gaetan, J. Zhang, G. Messin, A. Browaeys, and P. Grangier
Quantum interference between two single photons emitted by two independently trapped atoms
Nature 440, 779 (2006)
J. Beugnon, M.P.A. Jones, J. Dingjan, B. Darquie, G. Messin, A. Browaeys, and P. Grangier
A frequency-doubled, pulsed laser system for rubidium manipulation
Appl. Phys. B 82,47-51 (2006)
J. Dingjan, B. Darquie, J. Beugnon, M.P.A. Jones, G. Messin, A. Browaeys, and P. Grangier
Controlled single-photon emission from a single trapped two-level atom
Science 309, 454-456 (2005)
B. Darquié, M.P.A. Jones, J. Dingjan, J. Beugnon, G. Messin, A. Browaeys, and P. Grangier
Cours de physique statistique quantique (M1 Phytem) : Cours Phytem 2018
Cours de thermodynamique (L3) : Cours Thermo 2017
Cours de physique quantique (M1) : Cours Quantique 2021
Collège de France
11 Place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris
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