Optomécanique &
Nanomécanique Quantiques

7th Annual Meeting Announced in Bordeaux, 6th-7th October 2022

We are delighted to announce that the seventh  annual meeting of the GdR MecaQ will be held in Bordeaux, next 6th and 7th October (2022). The meeting will be hosted at the Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine (IOA) and will bring together the french...

JMC 2022, 22-26 Août 2022 – Extended deadline to 12th May

The abstract submission deadline for the JMC2022 has been re-extended to Thu 12th May 2022.We strongly encourage you (and in particular early career researchers) to submit your latest research to the mini-coloquium MC15 Optomechanics and Electromechanics: Physics...

The New Mechanics Summer School – Les Houches 1st-26th August 2022

We are very excited to announce that the 4 weeks summer school "The New Mechanics" will be held at Les Houches next August (1st-26th August 2022). Ultra-sensitive mechanical systems have experienced a huge development over the past 30 years, strongly driven notably by...

8th International School of Sound and Light – SEL2022

We look forward to seeing you on the Ile d'Oléron for the 8th edition of the "Son et Lumière" school that is aimed at students (masters, doctoral students, post-doctoral students) and researchers wishing to deepen and broaden their knowledge in the field of the...

Postdoc position in levitating micro-magnets at LPENS

A post-doc position is opened in the  nano-optics group at LPENS under the supervision of Pr. Gabriel Hétet.The post-doc will be part of a large consortium of prominent researchers around Europe involved in a QUANTERA project. One of the goals is to demonstrate...

Non-classical energy squeezing of a macroscopic mechanical oscillator

An international research team bringing together researchers from NIST (Boulder, Colorado) and the Institut Néel (CNRS, Grenoble) now report a device that can control the quantum state of a massive oscillating membrane by interfacing the membrane with a qubit. They demonstrate the creation of an energy-squeezed state — a state of mechanical motion bearing non-classical features. This new platform presents a new way to explore macroscopic quantum mechanics.

Dynamically-enhanced strain in atomically thin resonators

Physicists at IPCMS (Université de Strasbourg and CNRS) in collaboration with the University of Nottingham (UK) have demonstrated efficient mechanical strain-mediated coupling between the quantized microscopic vibrations (optical phonons) and the macroscopic oscillations of an atomically-thin membrane made from a graphene monolayer. This fundamental work holds promise for the development of 2D-systems with mechanically tunable light-matter interactions.

A single Quantum Dot drives a microresonator

Researchers based at the Institut Néel (CNRS, UGA), CEA IRIG, and The University of Nottingham report the actuation of a micro-wire from a single exciton hosted in a quantum dot. The study is published in the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology and opens new perspective notably in quantum network technology.

Spin-Cooling of the Motion of a Trapped Diamond published in Nature

Researchers based at the Laboratory of Physics (ENS Paris) report cooling of a levitated diamond, based on its intrinsic spin degree of freedom. The study is published in the prestigious journal Nature and represents a major step for the field of quantum hybrid optomechanics.

Production scientifique du GdR

Une ambition majeure du GdR MecaQ est de susciter l'émergence de synergies scientifiques nouvelles au sein des communautés optomécanique et nanomécanique. Le produit de ces synergies se traduit notamment sous la forme de publications impliquant plusieurs équipes...
Two 2 years Post-docs in Quantum Photonics – Grenoble

Two 2 years Post-docs in Quantum Photonics – Grenoble

In the frame of the ANR project « A bright source of Indistinguishable Polarization-entangled On-Demand photon pairs » (start January 2020), the teams of Jean-Philippe Poizat (Institut Néel, CNRS Grenoble) and Julien Claudon and Jean-Michel Gérard (IRIG,...

Professorship in Experimental Physics at Hamburg University

Professorship in Experimental Physics at Hamburg University

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences at Hamburg University, Germany, invites applications for a PROFESSORSHIP (W3) for Experimental Physics commencing as soon as possible.The Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe is one of four...

Post-doc position in Bangalore

Post-doc position in Bangalore

The research group at Centre for Nano Science and Engineering in Banglaore, India, is looking for postdoctoral fellows under this program with expertise in design and fabrication of nanoscale devices, ultra-low noise measurement using...

PhD Thesis – T Capelle – Sep 25th – LKB Jussieu

PhD Thesis – T Capelle – Sep 25th – LKB Jussieu

Thibault Capelle will defend his PhD thesis "Electromechanical cooling and parametric amplification of an ultrahigh-Q mechanical oscillator", next Friday September 25th, 10am. The defense will be held in room RC27 at the ground floor of the Atrium building in Jussieu....

Webinaire META-MAT mardi 15/09/2020 à 15h par Sir John Pendry

Webinaire META-MAT mardi 15/09/2020 à 15h par Sir John Pendry

Nous vous informons de cette série de webinaires en accès libre dans le domaine des métamatériaux. le prochain webinaire META-MAT se déroulera le mardi 15 septembre à 15h00 heure de Paris. Ce webinaire, présenté par Sir John Pendry, abordera un sujet émergent : les...