LKB - Bose-Einstein condensates

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BECKER J., EBERT M., GROSSMANN T., HEIL W., HUMBLOT H., LEDUC M., OTTEN E.W., ROHE D., SCHAEFER M., SIEMENSMEYER K., STEINER M., SURKAU R., TASSET F., TRAUTMANN N., Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1996) p.1 “Development of a dense polarized 3He spin filter based on compression of optically pumped gas”.
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LEDUC M., NACHER P.J., TASTEVIN G., Laser Physics 8, (1998) p 1-4 : “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Polarized Noble gases”
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BECKER J.,Ö,LEDUC M.,Ö,WILMS E., Europ . Phys. J. A6 (1999) p 329-344 : “Determination of the neutron electric form factor from the reaction 3 He(e,en) at medium energy transfer”.
SAUBAMEA B.,LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Phys.Rev.Lett. 83 (1999) p 3796-3799 : “Experimental investigation of nonergodic effects in subrecoil laser cooling”.
BORISOV Y., HEIL W., LEDUC M. (*), LOBASHEV V., OTTEN E.W., SOBOLEV Y., Nuclear Instruments and Methods A440 (2000) p 483-488: “Feasibility study of a 3He magnetometer for neutron electric dipole moment experiments”
PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., PERALES F., LEONARD J., SINATRA A., JUNMIN WANG , PAVONE F.S., RASEL E., UNNIKRISHNAN C.S., LEDUC M., Europ. Phys.J.AP 14 (2001) p 69-77: « Efficient magneto-optical trapping of a metastable helium gas »
PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., PERALES F., LEONARD J., SINATRA A., JUNMIN WANG, PAVONE F.S., RASEL E., UNNIKRISHNAN C.S., LEDUC M., Europ. Phys.J.D 14 (2001) p 15-27-: « Penning collisions of laser-cooled metastable helium atoms »
PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F, .LEONARD J, JUNMIN WANG, BARRELET C.J., PERALES F., RASEL. E, UNNIKRISHNAN C.S., LEDUC M., COHEN TANNOUDJI C., Phys.Rev.Letters 86, (2001) p 3459-3463 : « Bose-Einstein Condensation of metastable helium »
PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F, LEONARD J, JUNMIN WANG, BARRELET C.J., PERALES F., RASEL E., UNNIKRISHNAN C.S., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Eur.Phys.J.D. 19, (2002), p 103-110 : « Production of a Bose-Einstein condensate of metastable helium atoms »
LEDUC M., LEONARD J., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS, JAHIER E., SCHWARTZ S., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Acta Physica Polonica B 8, (2002), p 2213-2224: « Hydrodynamic modes in a trapped gas of metastable helium above the Bose-Einstein transition »
LEONARD J., WALHOUT M., MOSK A.P., MUELLER T., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Phys.Rev.Letters 91, (2003), 073203, 1-4, “Giant helium dimmers produced by photoassociation of ultracold metastable atoms”.
Voir aussi: “Paired-up helium atoms make it big”, Nature 424, 865 (21 August 2003) and Physics News in 2003 a supplement to APS News, page 2, in “Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics” : “Giant helium molecules”.
LEONARD J., MOSK A.P., WALHOUT M., Van der STRATEN P., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Phys.Rev.A 69, (2004), 032702: “Analysis of photoassociation spectra for giant helium dimers”
LEONARD J., MOSK A.P., WALHOUT M., LEDUC M., Van RIJNBACH M., NEHARI D.,VAN DER STRATEN P., Europhysics Letters 70 ,(2005), p 190-196: “rotationally induced Penning ionization of ultracold photoassociated helium dimmers”.
KIM J., RAPOL U., MOAL S., LEONARD S., WALHOUT M., LEDUC M., EPJD 31,(2004), p 227-239: “photoassociation experiments with utra-cold metastable helium atoms”.
KOELEMEIJ J.C.J., LEDUC M., EPJD 31,(2004) p 263-271: « Prospects for measurement and control of the scattering length of metastable helium using photoassociation techniques ».
KIM J., MOAL S., PORTIER M., LEDUC M., « Laser Physics » 15 (2005), pp 1075-1079 : « Observation of the photoassociation resonances of ultracold metastable helium dimmers by a mechanical effect ».
LEDUC M., VIGUE J., “Theor.Chem. Acc”., 116, (2006) p 598-607: “Interplay between theoretical quantum chemistry and cold atom experiments”.
KIM J, MOAL S., PORTIER M., DUGUE J., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., EurophysicsLetters 72 (2005), pp 548-554 : “Light induced frequency shifts of ultracold metastable helium photoassociation spectra: a new method for measuring the scattering length”.
MOAL S., PORTIER M., KIM J., DUGUE J., RAPOL U., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Phys.Rev.Letters. 96, 023203 (2006) : “Accurate determination of the scattering length of metastable helium atoms using dark resonances between atoms and exotic molecules”.
PORTIER M., MOAL S., KIM J., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., DULIEU O., J Phys B 39-S881 (2006). “Analysis of light-induced frequency shifts in the photoassociation of ultracold metastable helium atoms”.
MOAL S., PORTIER M., ZAHZAM N., LEDUC M., Phys. Rev.A 75, 033415 (2007) : « Lifetime of weakly-bound dimmers of ultracold metastable helium studied by photoassociation”.
MOAL S., PORTIER M., KIM J. ARIMONDO E., LEDUC M., EurophysicsLet. 83, 23001(2008): “Mechanical effect of photoassociation: a new method to measure the scattering length of ultracold metastable atoms”.
PORTIER M., LEDUC M., COHEN-TANNOUDJI C.,Proceedings of the Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday Discussions, 2009, 142, pp 415 -428  : « Fano profiles in two-photon photoassociation spectra ».
LEDUC M., and COHEN-TANNOUDJI C., Laser Physics, 2009, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1–10 « Ultracold Metastable Helium from Atoms to Exotic Molecules ».

WASSEN W, COHEN-TANNOUDJI C, LEDUC M, et al, Review of Modern Physics, 2012, 84, pp 175-210: “Cold and trapped metastable noble gases”.


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